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The profile contains personal information, as well as performance metrics and vehicle information for gig economy workers.

For formal workers, the profile contains basic information such as first and last name, date of birth and some additional data.

You can access all this information by making a GET to /accounts/:account_id/profile .

profile (empleos formales y gig economy)

first_nameFirst NamestringJose Carlos
last_nameLast NamestringHuerta Garcia
addressAddressstringCalle de la Paz, #5, Col. Centro, C.P. 06060, México, D.F.
city_nameCitystringMexico City
picture_urlProfile picture urlstringURL

bank_info (gig economy)

account_numberAccount numberstring6461801921****
holder_nameOwner namestringJose Carlos Huerta Garcia
holder_addressAddressstringCalle de la Reforma #123
bank_nameBank namestringBanco Azteca

vehicle_info (gig economy)

typeVehicle typestringcar
brandVehicle brandstringFord
yearVehicle yearstring2017
license_platePlate numberstringABC123
vinVehicle VINstring3SCK2AEG8M1006777

metrics_info (gig economy)

acceptance_rateAcceptance ratefloat0.97
cancellation_rateCancellation rate (percentage of trips canceled after being accepted)float0.05
ratingWorker rating (the higher the better)float4.91
lifetime_tripsTotal trips since registering on the platformint17
time_since_first_tripTime since first tripstring9 months
debt_pendingPending Debtfloat0.00
debt_paidPaid Debtfloat0.00
activation_statusActivation statusstringactive

ids_info (formal jobs and gig economy)

typeID Typestringsocial_security_number
nameID Namestringnss

Data we recover by platform

Employment platforms

account_idstringPalenca internal identifier of the worker's accountYESYES
addressstringWorker's address.NONO
birthdaystringDate of birth of the worker in YY-MM-DD formatYESYES
city_namestringWorker's city.NONO
emailstringWorker emailNONO
first_namestringName(s) of workerYESYES
last_namestringWorker's surnamesYESYES
telephonestringWorker's phoneNONO
picture_urlstringURL with the worker's profile imageNONO

Independent worker platforms (gig economy)

DATATypeDescriptionUBERDIDICABIFYinDriver99 MotoristaRAPPI
account_idstringPalenca internal identifier of the worker's accountYESYESYESYESYESYES
addressstringWorker's address.NONONONONOYES
birthdaystringWorker's date of birth in YY-MM-DD formatNONONONONOYES
city_namestringWorker's city.NOYESNOYESYESYES
emailstringWorker emailYESYESYESYESYESYES
first_namestringName(s) of workerYESYESYESYESYESYES
last_namestringWorker's surnameYESYESYESYESYESYES
phonestringWorker's phoneYESYESYESYESYESYES
picture_urlstringURL with the worker's profile imageYESYESYESYESYESYES
acceptance_ratefloatTrip/Order Acceptance RateYESYESNONOYESYES
activation_statusstringIndicates if the worker is activeYESYESYESYESYESYES
cancellation_ratefloatTrip/order cancellation rateYESNONONONONO
debt_paidfloatTotal debt that the worker has paid to the platform.NONONONONOYES
debt_pendingfloatPending debt that the worker has with the platform.NONONONONOYES
level_namestringName of the level to which the worker belongsYESYESNOYESYESYES
lifetime_tripsintTotal trips that the worker has made.YESYESNOYESYESNO
ratingfloatWorker rating within the platformYESYESYESYESYESYES
thumps_upstringUber eats metric that refers to the quality of service.YESNONONONONO
time_since_first_tripstringTime elapsed since the first trip. Examples: 2.5 years, 4 months, 2+ years. The logic is {{number}} {{time}}.YESYESNONOYESNO
brandstringBrand of the vehicle used by the workerYESYESNOYESYESNO
license_platestringIndicates the license plates of the vehicle used by the worker.YESYESNOYESYESNO
modelstringIndicates the model of vehicle used by the workerYESYESNONOYESNO
typestringIndicates the type of vehicle used by the worker.YESYESYESYESYESYES
vinstringSerial number of the vehicle used by the workerYESYESNOYESYESNO
yearstringYear of vehicle used by the workerYESYESYESYESYESYES