
Reduce your credit risk with our Employment Information.


We extract as much information as possible from formal economy platforms, focusing on current income and employment history.

Let's begin with a representative example of the profile information you could recover from our Get Employment Endpoint .

            "employer":"TECNOLOGIA EN CUENTAS POR COBRAR S A P I DE CV",
            "federal_entity":"CIUDAD DE MÉXICO",
            "federal_entity":"CIUDAD DE MÉXICO",
            "employer":"TECNOLOGIA EN CUENTAS POR COBRAR S A P I DE CV",

You can see there are three main sections within the response: employment_info, employment_history and employment_events.

Employment Info Section

This section captures the current employment status of the account as well as some complementary details.

Field NameDescriptionTypeExample
id_typeIdentification typestringsocial_security_number
federal_entityEntity in which you are workingstringMEXICO CITY
quoted_weeksQuoted weeksint10
discounted_weeksDiscounted weeksint1
reintegrated_weeksReintegrated weeksint0

Employment Files Section

Within the Employment Info Section we can see that there is an object containing details about an employment file. For IMSS accounts, this section provides an URL to the work history PDF provided by IMSS.

Field NameDescriptionTypeExample
urlURL to the file.stringhttps://file.amazon.com
file_typeA description of the document category.stringimss_employment_record
account_idThe account_id to which the file belongs.stringc4d84950-c461-44d4-8e53-258b99908b88

Employment History Section

Field NameDescriptionTypeExample
employerEmployer namestringCOMPANY SA DE CV
employer_registrationEmployer registrationstringC412852010
start_dateStart datedate2022-04-01
end_dateEnd datedate2022-08-01
base_salaryDaily salaryfloat13000.13
monthly_salaryMonthly salaryfloat13000.13
payment_frequencyPayment frequencystringmonthly
job_titlePositionstringSoftware Engineer
modalityModalidadstringAll benefits

Employment Events

Field NameDescriptionTypeExample
event_typeSpecifies the type of employment event that occurred. We provide further details below.String"discharge"
employerThe name of the company or organization where the event occurred.String"CONSTRUCCIONES YAMILA"
event_dateThe date on which the employment event took place. Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.String"2019-11-26"
event_end_dateThis could represent the end date of the employment period or the effective end date of a specific event. null here usually means that the event is ongoing or has no specific end date beyond the event_date.String"2019-12-26"
base_salaryThe base salary amount associated with the employment period or the event.Number116.02

IMSS's Employment Events

dischargeIndicates the termination of the employee's relationship with the employer. This means that from IMSS's perspective, this person is now officially unemployed.
reentryIndicates that the employee has been re-hired by the same employer after a period of separation. This restarts IMSS contributions and benefits eligibility.
salary_modificationIndicates a change in the employee's Salario Base de Cotización (SBC).

ISSSTE's Employment Events

Certificado ElecLikely refers to the generation of an electronic certificate related to the employee's ISSSTE affiliation, pension contributions, or eligibility for a specific service.
Transf. Der. ImssTransfer of Rights from IMSS: This indicates that the employee has transferred their accumulated social security rights (e.g., pension contributions) from IMSS to ISSSTE, usually because they have transitioned from private sector employment (covered by IMSS) to government employment (covered by ISSSTE).
Ayuda DesemLikely refers to a payment related to unemployment.
Neg. PensiónLikely refers to a request for a pension was denied.
PortabilidadLikely refers to the transfer of accumulated funds or benefits from one retirement savings system to another.
Certificado BdutaLikely refers to a certificate related to the BDUTA (Base de Datos Única de Trabajadores Activos - Unique Database of Active Workers): This certificate is likely related to verification or confirmation of an employee's information within the BDUTA, which is jointly managed by ISSSTE and CONSAR (Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro - National Commission of the Retirement Savings System). It might be needed for certain transactions or processes.
Certificado DyeLikely refers to Certificate of Survival (Certificado para acreditar la supervivencia física de pensionistas del Gobierno de México): This is a certificate that proves a pensioner is still alive. Pensioners must periodically obtain this certificate to continue receiving their pension payments. It's used to prevent fraudulent pension claims.
LicenciaLikely refers to Leave of Absence: Indicates that the employee is on leave, whether it be for medical reasons, personal leave, or another authorized absence.
PensionesPensions: Generally refers to an event associated with the employee's pension benefits, like a payment, application, or calculation.
IgLikely refers to Solicitud de Indemnización Global (Application for Global Compensation): This relates to a claim for a lump-sum compensation payment from ISSSTE. This compensation is available to former employees who were under the "Décimo Transitorio" (Tenth Transitional Regime) and do not meet the requirements for a traditional pension (due to age, years of service, disability, or advanced age unemployment) within 5 years of their separation from service. In the case of death of the former employee, eligible relatives can claim it.

Incomes Section (Carteira de Trabalho only)

income_dateDay to which the profits corresponddate2022-04-01T00:00:00+00:00

Data by platform

The following table shows the data we recover for the main platforms:

account_idstringPalenca internal identifier of the employee accountYesYesYes
id_typestringType of identification within the platform (e.g. social security number, curp)YesYesYes
quoted_weeksintNumber of weeks contributed to the IMSS since the employee began his or her working lifeYesNoNo
discounted_weeksintNumber of weeks discounted to the IMSSYesNoNo
reintegrated_weeksintNumber of weeks reintegrated to the IMSSYesNoNo
statusstringCurrent situation of the employeeYesYesNo
employerstringCompany name of the employer (can be repeated when the salary changes, another record or contracts are generated and leave is generated with the same one)YesYesYes
employer_registrationstringEmployer registration number for social security.YesNoNo
start_datestringDate on which the employee began working for the employer. Comes in format YYYY-MM-DDYesYesYes
end_datestringDate on which the employee stopped working for the employer. It comes in YYYY-MM-DD format. If the employee is still registered with that employer, the value will come as nullYesYesYes
federal_entitystringFederal entity in which the employer is registered. For ISSSTE it can come as nullYesNoYes
base_salaryfloatIMSS Base SalaryYesNoNo
monthly_salaryfloatIt is the monthly salary rounded to 2 decimal places.YesYesNo
net_monthly_salaryfloatIt is the net monthly salary rounded to 2 decimal places.NoNoYes
gross_monthly_salaryfloatIt is the gross monthly salary rounded to 2 decimal places.NoNoYes

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